Affiliated to the University of Calicut

Reaccredited by NAAC with 'A++' grade


Anju Sebastian

Dr.Anju Sebastian

Asst. Professor

Full Time Faculty

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Sl No.



Year of Passing


BSc Physics

University of Madras



MSc Physics

Kannur University



PG Diploma in Nanotechnology

Kannur University


  1. Anju Sebastian, Dona Joseph, Aswathi P V, Sikha K. Simon, Bindu C., Joseph V. P and Jolly Andrews, “Complex Permittivity Measurement Technique Using Metamaterial Broadside Coupled Split Ring Resonator”, Journal of Applied Physics,(2022)(In production)
  2. P. V. Aswathi, Anju Sebastian, Sikha K. Simon, C. Bindu, V. P. Joseph, and Jolly Andrews, “Compaction study of food powders using metamaterial split ring resonator based Sensor”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2352, 020069, (2021).
  3. Cherala Bindu, Sikha K. Simon, Anju Sebastian, Panattil V. Aswathi, Dona Joseph, Jolly Andrews, and Vallikkavumkal P. Joseph, “Breaking the Diffraction Limit Manifold Using Specially Designed Metamaterial Split Ring Resonator”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 105, 141150, 2021.
  4. Anju Sebastian, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, C. Bindu, V.P. Joseph and Jolly Andrews,” Rotation Sensor based on Near Field Perturbations of Metamaterial Split Ring Resonator, 2019 Thirteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials), Rome, Italy, pp. X-378-X-380, IEEE Explorer, (2019)
  5. Sikha K. Simon, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Anju Sebastian, Jolly Andrews and V.P. Joseph,”Direct Amplitude Modulation Technique using Metamaterial Broadside Coupled Split Ring Resonator (BCSRR) Structure”, 2019 Thirteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials), Rome, Italy, pp. X-390-X-392, IEEE Explorer, (2019)
  6. Bindu C., Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Anju Sebastian, Jolly Andrews and V.P. Joseph,”Specially Designed Metamaterial Split Ring Resonator for High Resolution Imaging at Microwave Frequencies, 2019 Thirteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials), Rome, Italy, pp. X-450-X-452, IEEE Explorer(2019)
  7. C.Bindu, Sreedevi P Chakyar, Anju Sebastian, Sikha K. Simon, Jovia Jose, Nees Paul, K.S. Umadevi, Joe Kizhakooden, Jolly Andrews and V.P. Joseph “Enhancing the resolution in imaging using folded metamaterial split ring resonator structure at microwave frequencies” AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2162, Pages: 020067-1 to 020067-5, (2019).
  8. Joe Kizhakooden, Jovia Jose, Nees Paul, Sreedevi P Chakyar, Anju Sebastian, Sikha K. Simon, K.S. Umadevi, C. Bindu, Jolly Andrews and V.P. Joseph, “Broadside coupled split ring resonator based multiband monopole patch antenna for wireless communication applications” AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.2162, Pages: 020068-1 to 020068-4, (2019).
  9. Jovia Jose, Sikha K Simon, Anju Sebastian, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Joe Kizhakooden, Nees Paul, C. Bindu, K.S. Umadevi, Jolly Andrews and V.P. Joseph,” Scattering from artificial Plasma cylinder using nonstandard FDTD, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019,Vol.2162, Pages: 020069-1 to 020069-5.
  10. Nees Paul, Jennet Jimmy, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Sikha K. Simon, Joe Kizhakooden, C. Bindu, Anju Sebastian, K .S. Umadevi, Jovia Jose, Jolly Andrews and V.P. Joseph,” Microwave absorption properties of flexible zinc oxide sheet”, AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2162, Pages: 020070-1 to 020070-4, (2019).
  11. Anju Sebastian, Dennet Davis, Sikha K. Simon, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Jovia Jose, Joe Kizhakooden, Nees Paul, C. Bindu, Jolly Andrews and V.P. Joseph,” Non - destructive method for thickness measurement of dielectric films using metamaterial resonator”, AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2162, Pages: 020141-1 to 020070-5, (2019).
  12. Jovia Jose, Sikha K. Simon, Joe Kizhakooden, Anju Sebastian, SreedeviP. Chakyar,Nees Paul, Bindu. C., Jolly Andrews, and V.P. Joseph, “Frequency DependentRadiation Properties of Negative Permittivity Metamaterial Reflector Antenna” ,Physica Scripta,Phys. Scr. 94 105811 (9pp), IOP Science, (2019).
  13. Jose Jovia, Sikha K. Simon, Joe Kizhakooden, Anju Sebastian, SreedeviP. Chakyar,Nees Paul, Cherala Bindu, Jolly Andrews, and V.P. Joseph. , “Interactionof a Sine Wave with an Artificial Negative Permittivity Medium UsingNonstandard FDTD”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters Vol. 83,1–5,(2019).
  14. Anju Sebastian, Sikha K. Simon, Sreedevi P Chakyar, Jovia Jose, V.P Joseph and Jolly Andrews, “Broadside coupled split ring resonator metamaterial structurefor sensitive measurement of liquid concentrations” AIP Conference Proceedings 2082, 070002(2019).
  15. Sikha.K.Simon, Anju Sebastian, Sreedevi. P. Chakyar, Jolly Andrews and Joseph.V.P, “BroadSide Coupled Split Ring Resonator as a Sensitive Tunable Sensor for efficient detection of mechanical vibrations”, SENSING AND IMAGING, Springer Publications20(17) ,December 2019.

  1. Presented the paper ‘Rotation Sensor based on Near Field Perturbations of Metamaterial Split Ring Resonator’, as Poster Presentation in 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena -Metamaterials 2019, Rome, Italy, during 16 -21 September 2019.
  2. Presented the paper  ‘Non -Destructive Method for Thickness Measurement of Dielectric films using Metamaterial Resonator’, as poster in International Conference on Advanced Materials –ICAM 2019 at Nirmalagiri College Kannur during  12-14 June, 2019.
  3. Presented the paper “Broadside Coupled Split Ring Resonator Metamaterial Structure for Sensitive Measurement of Liquid Concentrations” at ‘International Conference on Optoelectronic and Nano Materials for Advanced Technology’ (ICONMAT 2019) held at CUSAT, 2019 during 3-5 January 2019.
  4. Presented the paper “ Metamaterial Inspired BCSRR Based Movement Sensor”  as   oral session at  National seminar on materials, methods and sensors for electromagnetic applications (emMET-II) ,Christ College(Autonomous) Irinjalakuda  during  24-25 January 2019    
  5. Presented paper  named  “ Broad Side Coupled Split Ring Resonator Metamaterial Structure for Sensitive  thickness measurement of  microfilms”, as oral presntation at National Conference on Science and Applications of Functional Materials ,St. Josephs College(Autonomous), Irinjalakuda held on 7 Dec 2018
  6. Participated in the INUP Familiarisation Workshop on “Nanofabrication technologies” conducted at the Center for Nano Science and Engineering , Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore, from 10-12 September 2018.
  7. Presented paper “Broad Side Coupled Split Ring Resonator Metamaterial Structure Based Thickness Sensor” in the DST Sponsored  International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2018) held at S.B College, Changanassery on 9th &10th October 2018.
  8. Presented poster  with title “Study of Electronic Structure in Fe-Al systems by using SPR-KKR-CPA method” in National conference on "Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences - MTCS 2016 " held in Department of Chemistry, MLSU Udaipur on 30-31 January 2016.
  9. Presented poster “Calculation Of Density Of States And Lattice Parameters Of Fe - Al Systems Using SPR-KKR Method” in the International Workshop/Conference on Computational Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science -IWCCMP 2015 held in IIITM ,Gwalior, India on October 18-22,2015.
  10. Presented poster “ Understanding the scattering spectra of single  Silver Nanoparticles  obtained  by  Hyperspectral Imaging system ” in the First National Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials -CAN 2015 held in Dept.of Physics, Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba, Kerala, India on 1-2 October 2015. ISBN of Proceedings: 978-81-931227-0-9.

  1. Attended “Teacher Professional Development Program on Mathematical Modeling using Technology – Enabled and student- centered Learning for college teachers”, organized by the Department of Physics, University of Calicut in association with  Christ College(Autonomous), Irinjalakuda and HBCSE, TIFR , Mumbai and KSCSTE, during  21-22 June 2022.

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