Christ College Auditorium
Christ College has fully equipped Cultural Unit for students who have genuine interest in artistic activities. Students prepare and practice at the time of competitions in college auditorium equipped with a good sound system comprising an amplifier, Behringer (500W) with 6 speakers (100 W {2 nos.} & 200W {4 nos.}). Speaker with 5000W is also provided on special occasions or celebrations.

Seminar Halls
Rev. Fr. Jose Thekkan Seminar Hall
Refurbished A/C seminar hall in the memory of ‘Rev. Fr. Jose Thekkan was inaugurated on July 2018, with a seating capacity of nearly 200 participants.

St. Chavara Multimedia Hall
Refurbished A/C seminar hall in the name of St. Chavara Kuriakose Elias was blessed on January 2022, with a seating capacity of nearly 200 participants.
Conference Rooms
IQAC Conference Room
Venue for important meetings of statutory bodies. Also used for placement trainings and interviews. Equiped with intelligent interactive panel which is used as lecture capturing system.
Library Conference Room
Library conference room constructed using PTA fund is used for live streaming webinars and to conduct meetings. NPTEL videos are streamed here and this room is used for conducting mock interviews for placements. This audio-proof facility is also used for recording audio-books for visually impaired.