OpenCourseWare (OCW)– course lessons prepared by universities and colleges and delivered free via internet has got wide acceptance during this pandemic period. Based on the principles of OCW consortium, Christ College decided to create and disseminate the quality course contents under the name Christ OpenCourseWare (Christ OCW). Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) initiated the activities of building the Christ OCW in 2019 March. Students can adapt to self-paced learning with four quadrants- video tutorials, lecture notes, interaction with facilitators and multiple-choice questions. Courses are available under Creative commons License 4.0. College is now a part of Open Courseware movement. Moving ahead with the opencourseware movement, Christ College is one of the rare Colleges having its own open course ware portal - Christ Open Course Ware (https://www.christopencourseware.com/) with the four quadrants of MOOC education specified by UGC.
Bridge programmes and value-added courses were partially done in the online mode and the conduct of certificate courses were hosted in Christ College OpenCourseWare.The high-quality video tutorials are created in the dedicated audio video laboratory under the supervision of Christ OCW coordinator. The videos are edited with proper titles and published in Christ OpenCourseWare YouTube channel.
Teachers started recording their classes and these videos enabled flexible and blended learning for the students. The recorded video lectures resulted in value-added courses in blended mode
College has four dedicated video channels to telecast the vide lectures, live stream webinars and deliver instructions.
The video tutorials are uploaded in two dedicated channels, Christ OpenCourseWare and Christ OpenCourseWarebeta.
The webinars, popular lectures and college news are telecasted in Channel. Instructions to students and teachers are streamed through IQAC Channel. After two years of its inception ChristOpenCourseWare has become the favorite to not only the students of Christ College but also to students from other colleges of University of Calicut.
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