Christ College, nurtured and nourished by the collective will of the people of Irinjalakuda, has its origin in 1956 at Mangadikunnu, then a forlorn hill on the out skirts of Irinjalakuda Municipality. The College was formally inaugurated by Sri.B.Ramakrishna Rao, Governer of Kerala on October 13th 1957. The College started with 240 students and 14 members on the teaching staff.
20 May 1955 College Committee of Citizens formed.
18 June 1955 University sanction for starting the College.
24 October 1955 Foundation stone of the College laid by Rev.Fr.Maurus CMI, Prior General.
23 February 1956 17 Acres of Municipal land given on lease by the Government.
17 June 1956 Blessing of the College by Dr.G.C.Alappat, Bishop of Thrissur 18 June 1956 Classes Begin. First Manager: Rev.Fr.Clemens CMI and First Principal: Rev.Fr. Gabriel CMI.
09 July 1956 Visit of the first University Inspection Commission.
June 1957 Front Block completed. Degree Course in Chemistry, Zoology & Commerce started.
13 October 1957 Formal Inauguration of the College by Sri. B. Ramakrishna Rao, Governor of Kerala December 1957 Junior Hostel Building Completed June 1958 B.A. Economics started 1957-58 Kandamkulathy Trophy for Football Instituted.
June 1960 Old Students’Association Formed.
June 1960 B.Sc. Physics started September 1960 Vidhyarthy Bhavan Hostel Completed.
30 October 1960 Christ Monastery (Junior Hostel) formally inaugurated.
June 1961 Post - Graduate Courses in Commerce and Zoology started 1961-62 Students’ Centre & Hobby Workshop opened.
February 1963 Library block Completed. Christ College Development Committee formed. Zoology Museum inaugurated.
June 1963 Christ College Women’s Section opened.
June 1963 B.Sc. Mathematics started June 1964 Christ College Women’s Section separated as St. Joseph’s College.
June 1964 Two Year Pre - Degree course started 23 August 1964 Christ Monastery shifted to the new building.
2 December 1965 Sri. A. P. Jain, Governor of Kerala visited the College June 1966 Special B.Sc. Chemistry & zoology and M.Sc. Chemistry started. M. Com & M. Sc Zoology Blocks completed.
26 - 30 Dec. 1966 Decennium celebrated with competitions, conferences and cultural programmes; Sri. Bhagvan Sai, Governor of Kerala presided. College park completed.
January 1967 Old student’s Trophy for Volley Ball Instituted.
1968 College came under the jurisdiction of Calicut University.
26 October 1968 U.G.C. Team inspected the College and was much impressed.
1 February 1969 College day, presided over by Sri. V. V. Giri Vice president of India.
December 1969 National Service Scheme - Two Units Nos. 49 & 70 started. 1969-70 H. E. Joseph Card Parecattil visited the College.
1970-71 Won the University aggregate Championship. Winners of University Volley Ball, Basket-Ball, Tennis and Shuttle Badminton.
26 May 1971 College Chapel consecrated.
1971-72 M.Sc. Chemistry Block completed. 400 Metres Track completed.
08 May 1973 Library building (present auditorium) foundation stone laid.
1973 Approval of Zoology Department as a Research centre.
05 February 1974 5th University Athletic Meet Inaugurated by Field Marshal SamManekshaw.
19 Dec. 1974 18th School State Athletic Meet 1975 Approval of Chemistry Department as a Research centre.
17 March 1975 Inauguration of the new library building (Present Auditorium) by His Exc. A.M. Thomas.
31 March 1975 Retirement of Fr. Gabriel, First Principal 01 April 1975 Appointment of Fr. J. V. Ambooken as Principal.
31 August 1975 Construction of Staff Hostel.
14 February 1976 College day, presided over by Dr. Noor Mohammed, V.C of Calicut University.
30 April 1976 Inspection by U.G.C. Team June 1976 Sanskrit as second Language started.
29 Oct. 1976 8th University Athletic Meet.
31 March 1978 Construction of workshop and animal house. Winners of the University Volley - Ball, Tennis and Junior Athletics.
1978-79 Construction of Research Laboratory and Aquarium 1979-80 Introduction of shift system. Addition of four batches at Pre - Degree level. ‘D’ Zone Arts Festival. Winners of the University Volley - Ball and Tennis 11th Calicut University Athletic Championship.
1 October 1980 Completion of Chemistry Block.
7 to 10 Jan. 1981 State Athletic Meet.
December 1981 B. Sc. Geology started 4 to 8 March 1982 Celebration of Silver Jubilee.
November 1982 M. A. Economics started February 1985 Sixteenth University Athletic Meet.
March 1985 Completion of Mini Language Lab 20 April 1985 Fr. J. V. Ambookan, Principal on leave. Appointment of Fr. Jose Stephen as Principal.
1987 Runners up of Inter College Arts Festival.
13 February 1987 College day; Sri. V. M. Sudheeran Hon. Speaker of Assembly presided.
15 Sept. 1987 Retirement of Fr.J. V. Ambooken, Principal. Winners of Trichur District League Football.
January 1989 Two Computers - PC / XT installed.
February 1989 Winners of ‘D’ Zone and Inter Zone Arts Festival.
3 March 1989 College day, Dr. T. K Ravindran, V. C, University of Calicut presided.
March 1989 Modi Zerox - Photo Copier Installed.
June 1989 Shift system discontinued retaining the same number of students, batches and groups in the Pre - Degree Class.
23 October 1990 B.Sc. Degree Course in Physical Education started.
15 November1990 Library restructuring completed.
8 March 1991 College day. Chief Guest: Dr. M. Leelavathy. Runners up of Interzone Volley Ball.
23 April 1991 Appointment of Rev.Fr. Thomas A. Achandy as Principal.
November 1991 Research Project on “New Organic Farming Technology using Earth worms” sanctioned. Principal InvestigatorProf. Mathew P. John, Dept. of Chemistry. 1992 Winners of Interzone Football, Volley Ball and Runners up of Interzone Hand Ball.
1992-93 Introduction of Co-Education in the Graduate & Post Graduate Courses.
30 October 1992 College Union Inauguration by Sri. P. P. George, Hon. Minister for Agriculture, Government of Kerala.
1993 Winners of Interzone Judo, Runners up of Interzone Volleyball, Runners up of University Athletics.
22 April 1994 Fr. Jose Chittilappilly assumes office as Principal. Winners of Interzone Judo.
6 October 1994 B.Sc. Physical Education converted to B. P. E.- a Professional Course. Winners of All Kerala Inter Collegiate Football.
10 July 1995 A unit of C.R.E.S. (Computer Education) started in Christ College.
October 1995 National Service Scheme - Third Unit No. 20 started.
11 November1995 Blessing of Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara Seminar Hall Winners of Interzone Judo.
13 November1995 M.Sc. Physics started.
7 February 1996 Inauguration of B. P. E. by Hon. Edn. Minister Sri. E.T. Mohmmed Basheer Winners of College Games Football. Winners of University Football (Women). Runners up of University Football (Men).
3 August 1996 Blessing of the first floor of the New Block. N.C.C. Women’s Wing started November 1996 Rajeev Gandhi Memorial Trophy for the best College in Calicut University April.
1998 Fr. C. A. Thomas assumes office as Principal June 1998 Three Batches of Pre - Degree delinked.
October 1998 B. A. Functional English course started.
January 1999 Library Computerised. New concrete basket ball court inaugurated University over-all champions in Men and Women Gymnastics.
January 2000 M. Sc. Environmental Science started.
Feb 2000 Dr. V. T. Joy, Dept. of Chemistry, was offered a Postdoctoral fellowship by Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel during the period February, 2000-November, 2001. The postdoctoral work was done under thesupervision of Prof. Daniel Mandler on the topic “Surface Functionalization of H-terminatedSilicon Surfaces”.
April 2000 Office Computerisation started. Language Lab completed.
June 2000 Pre - Degree delinked from College 2001 Sanskrit at Degree level as additional language Malayalam as additional language for B.Com Sub centre of Centre for Continuing Education, Kerala sanctioned. PGDCA course (Part time) sanctioned by Department of Technical Education, Kerala.
September 2001 M. A. West Asian Studies started. Water Testing Lab started. Semester system introduced in Post Graduate Courses. Runners up of Inter Zone Football (Men).
December 2001 Dr. V. T. Joy, Dept. of Chemistry was offered a Postdoctoral fellowship by Dept. ofChemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of echnology, Atlanta, USA during theperiod December, 2001-June, 2002. The postdoctoral work was done under the supervisionof Prof. Robert M. Dickson on the topic ‘preparation of metal nanoparticles”.
June 2002 Dr. V. T. Joy, Dept. of Chemistry, was offered JSPS POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP by Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology Nagasaki University, Japan, during the period June, 2002-May 2004. The work was done under the supervision of Prof. Takamasa Sagara on the topic “Fuel cells” 2002 Off - Campus Centre of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore started August 2002 National Service Scheme - Fourth Unit No. 147 started. Winners of ‘D’ Zone Arts Festival, Interzone Football, Hockey, Hand Ball (Men),Gymnastics (Men), and Runners up of Interzone Basketball & Volleyball (Men).
1 May 2003 Fr. Francis Kurissery assumes office as Principal. 14 to 16 July 2003 NAAC Review team visit for accreditation of the college.
16 Sept. 2003 Accreditation by NAAC, B++ grade. IQAC established. Interzone Football Winners, ‘D’ Zone Arts Festival Winners 2003 Runners up in the University Judo championship (Men & Women) Winners of Interzone Hockey , Gymnastic & Runners up in Interzone Basket Ball, Hand Ball & Hockey (Women) I.T. VIGYAN , a 3month Certificate Course started for the first time in Kerala at a nominal fee of Rs.100 per student to bridge the digital divide among College students. The couse was designed by Prof. Sebastian Joseph. College Union sponsored free Internet Coupons worth 5 hours to each student. 2004 UGC Career Oriented Programme was sanctioned Dr. M.M. Ghani Best Teacher Award to Dr. N.D. Inasu.
24 May 2004 Public Address System Installed.
1 June 2004 Fr. C. O. Jose assumes office as Principal August 2004 Change of the course of M. A. West Asian studies to M.A. History Winners of Inter Collegiate Football Tournaments (Men) Runners up of Interzone Hockey (Men).
December 2004 NCC National integration Camp.
January 2005 Winners of Interzone Hockey (Women), Gymnastic & College Games Foot Ball (Men).Runners up of Interzone Football (Men), Judo (Men & Women) and Arts Festival.
July 2005 B.Com. additional batch - A (Self Financing) started Runners up of Interzone Hockey (Men).
17 November2005 Golden Jubilee Proclamation.
05 December2005 Christ College declared state’s first 100% Internet and computer literate academic institution on account of the successful conduct of I.T. Vigyan programme among UG students for 3 years.
February 2006 Inaguration of Golden Jubilee Celebrations with Christ Jyothidarshan Gurupooja & Public Meeting.
20 July 2006 Rev.Dr. Joseph K.M. assumes office as principal Jubilee year was marked with Jubilee Expo - 2006 - National Exhibition, Cultural Fest, Parents Meet, Old students family get together and Mar Clemens Thottungal Memorial elocution competition. Winners of interzone Gymnastic & Hockey (Men) and Runners up of interzone Hockey (Women).
03 December 2006 The Concluding of the Golden Jubilee celebrations by Sri. Oscar Fernandes, Minister for Labour, Govt. of India.
03 December 2006 Golden Jubilee Memorial Ladies Hostel-Inaugurated.
January 2007 Mr. Soni John T, Dept. of BPE, won Endeavour PostgraduateAward (instituted by Govt. of Australia) for doing Ph.D in an AustralianUniversity.
6 February 2007 Commerce block II floor and Computer Lab inaugurated. Reception to Padmabhushan Rev. Fr. Gabriel CMI Founder Principal.
July 2007 P.G. Diploma in Disaster Management started.
15 October 2007 Rev. Dr. Jose Thekkan CMI assumes office as Principal.
December 2007 Golden Jubilee Celebrations of NCC unit, Christ College. 1 st January 2008 Ladies Hostel admission started.
February 2008 Golden Jubilee celebrations of Zoology, Chemistry and Commerce departments.
March 2008 Winners of Interzone Gymnastics (Men), Foot Ball (Women), Hockey (Women) and Mar Thoma all Kerala invitation Football Tournament Runners up of Interzone Boxing (Men) and Interzone Volleyball (Women).
June 2008 Internet Café inaugurated and unlimited internet access to students July 2008 Dr M. M Ghani Best Teacher award to Dr. A. V. George and Dr. John K Thomas.
August 2008 Dr. S Shivaprasad Foundation Best Teacher award to Dr. S. Sreekumar. Inauguration of Academy for the coaching to Civil Services. Introduction of students police force as a part of Janamithri Police at College Level.
September 2008 Golden Jubilee celebrations of Economics department.
November 2008 Inauguration of the Language Lab; The add on course Communicative English started.
January 2009 Coaching center for the CPT examination for C.A started.
March 2009 Golden Jubilee celebrations of Physics department Merit Day- Celebration of garnering 10 ranks in PG including 5 First ranks; Runners up in D-Zone and Inter Zone arts festivals; Winners in Gymnastics, Hockey & Football (Women) and Runners up in softball (women).Winners of the 47th Kandamkulathy All Kerala Inter Collegiate Football tournament.
June 2009 Choice Based Credit Semester System introduced in the Degree Level. Interphase meeting with UGC team for Development Grant.
July 2009 Inauguration of Renovated and fully Computerized office by Rt. Rev. Dr. James Pazhayattil.
August 2009 St Berchman’s award for the Best College Teacher of Kerala Conferred on Dr. A.V. George, Department of Geology and Environmental Science.
November 2009 NAAC Peer team visit for Re accreditation (2nd Cycle) of the College Dr M. M. Ghani award for the best teacher of Calicut University to Dr. K.T. Thomas of History Dept.
January 2010 College Reacredited (2nd Cycle) with ‘A’ Grade with a CGPA of 3.02 Reception to Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, the ISRO chairman and Christ College Alumnus. Former President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam in the Campus for the function.
February 2010 Winners in Interzone Gymnastics for the 19th time in a row; Winners of SN Trophy Inter Collegiate Football tournament, Coimbatore; Runners up in Interzone Volleyball, Hockey, Cycling, Boxing & Arts Festival; and third place in Interzone Basketball, Soft ball & Weight Lifting. National level acclamation to 6 of our NSS volunteers in the National Integration Camp held at Gwalior for their performance in patriotic song competition.
August 2010 The B. P. Ed. Course started in the campus in a separate institution, Christ College of Physical Education, on 4thAugust 2010.
September 2010 Irinjalakuda Christ College Association of Retired Teachers - ICCART- was formed for the communication of the retired teachers. Dr. E. M. Thomas, Department of Economics received the best NSS program officer award from the University of Calicut.
October 2010 The University of Calicut recognized the department of Physics and the department of Environmental Science and Geology as research centers. Dr. S. Sreekumar, Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences, was adjudged as the best College teacher in Kerala from the Science stream Award instituted by Konniyoor Narendranath Memorial Trust, Konni. Dr. A. V. George, Department of Geology and Environmental Science has been awarded with the Best Teacher Award instituted by Prof. S. Shivaprasad Foundation, Kollam.
November 2010 Dr. E. M. Thomas, Department of Economics received the national level award for the best teacher instituted by All India Association of Christian Higher Education (AIACHE).
December 2010 Fr. Joseph Vivian Ambooken CMI, Retired Principal of our college expired on 22-12-2010.
January 2011 Foundation stone laid for the gallery to be constructed in Football stadium.
March 2011 Winners in Gymnastics (men & women) and Hockey (women) and runners up in men’s hockey and cycling. Football team and Volleyball team won Thrssur Dt. senior League titles. Our Football team won intercollegiate tournaments held at Thiruvalla and Muvattupuzha.
August 2011 UGC sponsored national seminar by Mathematics & Statistics Depts. on Advanced Computational Techniques.
September 2011 Runners Up in South Indian Inter-Collegiate Football Tournament held at Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur.
October 2011 A new 10 meter shooting range was set in the balcony of Auditorium. Inaugurated by Dronacharya Award winner and national shooting coach Prof. Sunny Thomas. Rev. Fr. Joseph Vivian Ambooken CMI memorial all Kerala shooting championship held in our College shooting range.
November 2011 Dr. M. M. Ghani award for the best teacher of Calicut University to Dr. V. D. John of Chemistry Dept & Dr. S. Sreekumar of Geology & Environmental Science Dept. Energy Conservation award by the Kerala Government to Christ College.
December 2011 Dept. of History, elevated to the status of Research Center under Calicut University. NAAC sponsored National Seminar on Quality Sustenance in Higher Education, organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell. Inauguration of Christ College Yoga Center. Sri La Sri. Meyyappa Gnana Desiga Swamikal, the Chief Guest.
January 2012 New pavilion and gallery in the football stadium inaugurated; major contribution from Kandamkulathy Family Trust.
February 2012 State level award by KSEB, for pursuing alternate energy means and also for energy conservation efforts, to Christ College. Beacon-2012, a National level young talent fest was organized in the College.
March 2012 Winners in Gymnastics (men & women) and Hockey (women) and runners up in men’s Hockey, Football and Cricket and third place winners in Basketball, Judo and Football (women).
April 2012 State level award from the Biodiversity Board, Kerala for maintaining a green and Eco-friendly Campus. Cash award of Rs. 50,000 from the Government.
June 2012 Discovery of an Enigmatic Subterranean fish by Mr. Moncey Vincent and Dr. John K. Thomas, Dept. of Zoology. July 2012 New degree courses, B.Sc. Computer Science & B.Sc. Psychology started.
September 2012 Ladies Hostel Annex blessed by college Manager, Fr. John Paliakkara CMI.
September 2012 New PG programme, M.Sc. Mathematics started.
October 2012 College was selected for FIST (Fund for Improvement of Science & Technology) by central Government of Science and Technology, basing on our performance in the Science teaching departments.
January 2013 Dr. A.V. George, HOD, Geology & Environment Department, was appointed as the Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. UGC -sponsored Post-PG Diploma programme in “Sustainable and Green Energy Technology” sanctioned in the College.
February 2013 “Christ College Research Fellowship” instituted for the full time Research Scholars of Christ College. Reception to Dr A. V George, new V C of MG University, formal Inauguration of the New Courses, formal inauguration of Ladies Hostel Annex and formal inauguration of the Golden jubilee celebrations of Mathematics Department done by Hon. Education Minister of Kerala Mr. P. K. Abdu Rabb. Christ College, winners of D-Zone Arts Festival.
March 2013 Our teams are winners in the University Hockey(Men &Women), Cross Country and Gymnastics and runners up in the University Athletics,Football(Woman) and Basketball(Men). 15.47 acres of lease land from the Government has been permenantly assigned to Christ College for educational purpose by the Government headed byHon.Chief Minister Mr. OOmmen Chandy.
May 2013 Completion of the third floor of Chemistry Block.
July 2013 Young scientist award for Dr. A. V. Sudhikumar of Department of Zoology, from Department of Science and Technology. B.Com. additional batch - B (Self Financing) started.
August 2013 Ladies hostel Annexure 3rd floor completed.
September 2013 International Seminar on ‘Imperial Rome, Indian Ocean Regions and Muziris’ organized by the College and the Department of History in association with Mar Thoma Academy, Azhikode, Archaeological Survey of India, and IRISH, Tellicherry Completion of the new computer lab.
December 2013 Birthday Centenary Celebrations of the Founder Principal Rev.Fr. Gabriel CMI.
March 2014 Our team are the winners in the Calicut University Interzone Volleyball Championship, Runnersup in the Bartholomew Memorial All- Kerala Inter- Collegiate Vollyball Championship (Men) held at Sacred HeartCollege Thevara, Winners in the Calicut University Interzone Hockey Chapionship (Men), Runnersup in the Calicut University. Interzone Hockey Chapionship (Women), Runnersup in the Calicut University Interzone Footbal Champion Ship (Men & Women),Winners in the Calicut University Interzone Gymnastic Champion Ship (Men & Women) Runnersup in the Calicut University Interzone Cross-country (Men) May 2014 Completion of New Block Construction of the Gallery of the Football Court UGC Team Visited the College to evaluate the college for granting autonomous status.
June 2014 New Degree programmes B.A. English Literature, B.Com. additional Batch - C (Self Financing) started, and P.G programmes M.Sc. Statistics and M.Sc. Geology started.
July 2014 Prof.Sebastian Joseph of Malayalam Department was honoured with EZHUTHANI PURASKARAM, an award Instituted by Coimbatore Malayali Samajam,Coimbatore in appreciation of his pioneering effort to design a Certificate course for Non Resident Malayalis for the First time in India in 1987. Vana –Maholsavam 2014 was inaugurated by Dr. B. S. Corrie IFS, Pricipal Chief Forest Conservator, Social Forestry Trivandrum organized by Bio-diversity Club, Dept. of Environmental Science and Dept.of Botany.
August 2014 Mr. Jiji Thomson, I.A.S . Director General of SAI, inaugurated the newly started UG and P.G programme and newly constructed Health Club of Christ College.
October 2014 Blessing of New block behind the library with an area of 18000 sq. ft and new computer lab with 60 pieces of desktop.
November 2014 Laying of Foundation stone of Padmabhooshan Re. Fr. Gabriel, Centenary year Indoor stadium by Padmabhooshan, Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Chairman, ISRO and Christ college alumnees Winner of First Haritha Campus Award instituted byCalicut University.
December 2014 High-Tec. Poly house bio-agriculture farm started. Economics Department elevated to the status of Research Department. 46th Calicut university athletic championship held at Christ College, Irinjalakuda. Winners of 46th Calicut University Athletics Championship January 2015 Winners of D-zone arts festival.
February 2015 Blessing of second floor of main block. Mega-Thiruvathira, which entered into the Guinnus Book of world record, was conducted at Christ College stadium as part of Thanima Festival.
March 2015 Received Biodiversity award for the best Biodiversity club by Kerala State Biodiversity Board. Rev. Fr. Joy P.T. has won the Prakrithi Mithra Puraskaram 2014 - 2015 instituted by Social Forestry, Govt. of Kerala. Winners of Archery Indian Round (Men) Runners- up in Hockey (Men & Women) Winners in Gymnastic (Men& Women) Winners in Cross country (Men) Winners in tennis (Women) Winners in SNGC Football Trophy Coimbatore Mr. Suhair. V. P, represented Kerala Team in Santhosh Trophy and team secured 3rd prize.
April 2015 UGC team re-visited the college to grant Autonomous status. 3 rd cycle self study report for the reaccreditation by NACC was submitted.
June 2015 Christ College secured third best college among the affiliated Collleges in calicut university in the year 2014-15. In men section for their overall performance.
June 2015 New Degree programmes B.Sc. Hotel Management & catering science, BBA, B. LI. Sc, B.A. English & History (Double main), and P.G programmes M.S.W and M.Sc. Clinical Psychology started.
July 2015 College elevated to the status of Autonomous institution.
August 2015 Blessing of the 2nd floor of Main Block-West Wing with an area of 4000 sq. ft.
September 2015 Our Athletics team won the Runners Up title in the College games, conducted by The Sports Council of Kerala.
November 2015 The first meeting of the Autonomous Colleges Governing Council convened. The Examination manual approved. Recommendations for new courses.
December 2015 Inauguration of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations and formal Declaration of the Autonomous Status to the college. Chief Whip of the Kerala Government Adv. Thomas Unniyadan MLA was the Chief Guest.
December 2015 The first meeting of the Academic Council of the Autonomous College convened.
January 2016 Diamond Jubilee Exhibition- Dazzle -2016 was inaugurated Dr. Kuncheriya P.Issac, the Vice Chancellor of Dr. Abdul Kalam Azad memorial Kerala Technological University an event of 6 days. Nearly 24,000 people participated. Mr. Hari K., 3rd B.Sc. Physics won the best NSS Volunter award 2015, instituted by University of Calicut Mr. Vaishak, 3rd B.A (F.E) has won the Sadguna Award 2015, instituted by University of Calicut.
February 2016 Malayala Manorama “Palathully Pervellam” award to the College, recognizing the efforts of the College in the field of rain water harvesting and ground water recharging.
March 2016 Rev. Fr. Joy P.T. has won the Vana Mithra Puraskaram 2015 - 2016 instituted by Social Forestry, Govt. of Kerala. Kerala state Biodiversity best Biodiversity researcher Award - 2015 to Dr. A.V. Sudhikumar of Department of Zoology. Our teams were winners in the University level in the following events : Gymnastics, Cross Country, Athletics, Table Tennis, Archery. All men teams Runners Up in Hockey (men & women), Tennis (men), ArcheryRecurve(men), Gymnastics(women), Shuttle(men) and third place winners in Body Building (men), Cycling(men),Cross country, Table Tennis, Athletics, Archery-Recurve, Tennis-All women teams, Kabadi(men), Kho-Kho(men) and Shuttle (women) teams were semi finalists in the varsity level. The overall championship in Athletics, introduced for the first time in the University was also bagged by the College team.
May 2016 Extension of Library completed and blessed. Kerala sports council gave sanction to start sports hostel for Volley ball, Netball and Basketball.
June 2016 Christ College secured third best college among the affiliated colleges in Calicut university in the year 2015-16 in men section for their overall performance.
July 2016 Extension of the library block with special facilities for the research scholars of six research departments A fully air conditioned and furnished new seminar hall with a seating capacity of nearly 200 participants. NAAC Peer team visit for Re accreditation (3rd Cycle) of the college. The foundation work of Padmabhooshan Rev. Fr. Gabriel Birth Centenary indoor stadium completed. A new block in the Vidyarthy Bhavan Men’s Hostel which accommodate nearly 60 students. An Indoor Jumping pit facilities to develop a Jumping Academy which will help to find out and develop budding talents in high jump and pole vault.
October 2016 College Re accredited (3rd Cycle) with “A” Grade with a CGPA of 3.21.
September 2016 Dr. Robinson P Ponminiessary, Department of Chemistry received the best NSS program officer award from the University of Calicut for the academic year 2015 16. NSS Unit No-49 received the best NSS unit award from the University of Calicut for the academic year 2015 16.
December 2016 There are 15 University ranks for our college in the diamond jubilee year: I,II & III Rank in B.Sc. Geology, I & II Rank in B.Sc. Chemistry, I Rank in B.Sc. Physics, I Rank in BA Functional English, I,II & III Rank in M.Sc. Environmental Science, I &II Rank in M.Sc. Chemistry and Geology and I Rank in M.Sc. Physics. Arjuna Awardee Smt. Mercy Kuttan, Vice President, Kerala State Sports Council and Arjuna Awardee Sri. George Thomas visited our college.
January 2017 Chess Sampoorna Saksharatha programme started on 6th September 2016 and programme was inaugurated by chess world Champion Master Nirmal Saarin. New Hockey ground inaugurated by Prof. K.V. Arunan, MLA.
February 2017 NSS Unit No-49 received the NATIONAL YOUNG LEADER’S AWARD instituted by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports for the year 2015 16. SERB & KSCSTE sponsored international seminar by Department of Geology and Environmental science on Geology: Emerging methods and applications UGC sponsored national seminar by Department of mathematics on recent developments in Fuzzy set theory.
March 2017 UGC sponsored national seminar by Department of chemistry on Current Trends in Chemical Research Our teams were winners in the university level in the following events: Netball, Body building, Gymnastics, Cross country, Athletics, Table tennis and Archery (men) Our teams were runners up in the university level in the following events: Hockey, Shuttle badminton, Kabbady, Boxing(men), Gynastics, Table tennis (women) and archery (women). Jumping pit and Jumping academy was inaugurated by Sri. T. P. Dasan, President, Kerala State Sports Council.
April 2017 In the institution ranking done by the Central Ministry of HRD through National Institutional Ranking Frame work (NIRF), our college was adjudged as best college (1st Rank) in Kerala among the arts and science college and it has 17th place among arts and science college in the whole nation. A committee of SAI visited our college for assessing the technical feasibility to start SAI sports hostel in our campus.
June 2017 Christ College secured first best college among the affiliated Collleges in calicut university in the year 2016-17. In men section for their overall performance. A new block for the B.P.Ed. course which has been functioning in the junior Hostel (former monastery building) since its inception. Christ College won Calicut University Aggregate Championship and best college Award for the year 2016-17with record points (311) New degree programms B.Sc. Physics (Additional Batch), B.Sc. Geology (Additional Batch), B.Sc. Food Technology, B.Com Professional and & M.Sc. Computer Science started.
July 2017 Received Irinjalakuda Diocese Deeepika friend club award 2017. Principal, Fr. Dr. Jose T.M. died and Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken took charge of the office of principal.
September 2017 Foundation stone for Synthetic Tennis Court laid by Rev. Fr. Jacob Njerinjampilly CMI, Manager, Christ College, Irinjalakuda and Adv. M.S Anilkumar, President, Blue Diamonds of Christ College, Irinjalakuda. Certificate of recognition from Mathrubhoomi for Christ College. Irinjalakuda in recognition of our strong commitment to the SEED project during the academic year 2016-17 in Thrissur District and our contribution towards environment protection.
October 2017 Foundation stone for Christ College Stadium Pavilion laid by Rev. Jacob Njerinjampilly CMI, Manager, Christ College, irinjalakuda and Sri. M.C. Paul, Managing Director, KSE Limited, Irinjalakuda.
December 2017 First convocation ceremony of Christ College ( Autonomous) was held on 20th December 2017.
January 2018 Fr. Joy P.T CMI, Dept. of B.P.E won G.V.Raja Award for best Physical education teacher of Kerala state, instituted by Sports Council, Govt. of Kerala.
February 2018 P.U Chitra, Ist Year M.A History, won gold medal in Asian Athletic Championship (1500mts) held at Bhuvaneswar on 7th July 2017, gold medal in 5th Asian Indoor Championship (1500mts) held at Turkmenistan on 19th Sepetmber 2017 and gold medal in Asian games Invitation Athletic meet (1500mts) held at Jakarta on 12th February 2018. Mohammed Parakottil (II BA Fun. English) and Jithin G (IIIBBA) were members of Santhosh Trophy Football Kerala Team which won the national championship in year 2018.
March 2018 Christ College Stadium Pavilion blessed by Rev. Fr. Walter Thelapilly, Provincial, Devamatha Province, Thrissur and inaugurated by Sri. A. P. George Managing Director, KSE Limited, Irinjalakuda.
April 2018 College secured 63rd Rank in NIRF Ranking. Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken was appointed as Principal.
May 2018 Sreeraj P S, 1st Year Economics, won gold medal in Asian Power Lifting Championship, 120Kg, held at Rajasthan, Niranajana, 2nd Year B.Com. Professional, participated in Taiwan Open Athletic Meet on 25th to 27th May 2018.
May 2018 Rev. Dr. Jose Thekkan CMI, memorial Synthetic Tennis Court blessed by Rev. Fr. Walter Thelapilly, Provincial, Devamatha Province, Thrissur and inaugurated by Sri. K.J. Chacko, AGM, Regional Head, South Indian Bank, Irinjalakuda, Sri. Paul Francis, Kandamkulathy, Managing Director, KLF, Irinjalakuda and Adv. M.S. Anilkumar, President, Blue Diamonds of Christ College, Irinjalakuda. Dr. Dijo Damien, Dept. of Chemistry won Fullbright-Nehru fellowship 2018 by United States India Educational Foundation to pursue postdoctoral research at University of California, San-Diego, USA.
June 2018 Sri. C. N. Jayadevan, MP, Thrissur constituency donated a college bus to Christ Collge from his MP fund. Christ College won Calicut University Aggregate Championship and best college Award with record point (447) for the year 2017- 18 in the Golden Jubilee year of Calicut University. Christ College won Calicut University Aggregate Championship and best college Award for men for the year 2017-18 with 293 points. Christ College secured third position in Calicut University Aggregate Championship and best college Award for women for the year 2017-18 with 154 points. Dr. Sudhikumar A.V. and team rediscovered a rare spider (Chrysilla volupe) after 150 years which was believed to be extinct.
July 2018 Inauguration of refurbished A/C seminar hall in the memory of ‘Rev. Fr. Jose Thekkan. National Seminar was conducted by Department of Chemistry on the topic “ Advanced Functional Materials for Energy Production and Medicinal Applications”.
August 2018 A collection and distribution centre was started in the college campus for flood victims during the 2018 Flood. A relief camp also functioned in the college for 15 days. Dr. P M Joseph National award from PEFI for the best college promoting Sports and Games was awarded to the College. P.U Chitra, 2nd Year M.A History, won bronze medal in Asian Athletic Championship in 1500m held at Jakarta on 3rdAugust 2018.
September 2018 Foundation stone for the new block of boys’ hostel was laid by Rev. Jacob Njerinjampilly CMI, Manager, Christ College, P.U Chitra, 2nd Year M.A History, won gold medal in Inter Continental Competition in 1500m held at Ostrava, Czech Republic on 09-09-2018. Shivasankar E J, 2 nd Year B.A (Double main) participated in World University Badminton Championship held at Malaysia.
October 2018 B.Voc. Courses in Information Technology and Food Processing Technology were started. Fifteen Certificate courses were inaugurated in the college by Dr. Jenson P.D., Principal, St. Thomas College Thrissur on 23-Oct-18 New Science block started functioning, blessed by Fr. Jacob Njerinjambilly, Manager, Christ College. December 2018 National Seminar on “ Data Management and Knowledge Production in Contemporary Library Environment” was inaugurated by Dr. ARD Prasad, Professor and Head, DRTC, Bangalore. International Conference on “Market Liquidity & Sustainable Development Towards Knowledge Society”with Prof. Thomas Pogge, Yale University, USA, as a guest of honour. Three day Science workshop for High School students “Shastrajalakam” in association with SIET Govt. of Kerala.
January 2019 International Seminar was conducted by Geology Department on the topic Emerging Methods and Applications (GEM 2019), inauguration by Dr. N Purnachandra Rao, Director, NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram and guest of Honour was Prof. Dr. Manfred Frechen, Director, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), Germany Geology Department under the leadership of Dr. Linto Alappatt entered into MoU with Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), Germany National Seminar conducted by Department of Physics on “Materials, Methods and Sensors for Electromagnetic Applications” Key note address by Dr. Joy Jacob, Visiting Associate, IUCAA, Pune. National seminar on “Gandhian Logics in 21st Century conducted by Department of Economics” College received funding from Govt. of India under the scheme Unnath Bharath Abhiyan. Sports merit day was conducted on Jan 4th, 2019 and was inaugurated by Sri Sanjayan Kumar IFS Mariam Sameer, 1st Year B.P.Ed., won gold medal in Karate individual Kumite and Karate individual Kata, in India Sreelanka Open Karate Championship 2019 held in Kerala on January 19th to 20th 2019.
February 2019 Three day Science workshop for Higher Secondary students “Shastrapadham” was conducted in association with SIET, Govt. of Kerala. First ‘Fr. Jose Thekkan Best Teacher Award’ was conferred on Prof. C Krishnan, Govt. College, Kodenchery for which chief guest was Sri. Alphons Kannathanam, Minister Union Minister of State for Culture, and Tourism, Govt. of India. Second convocation conducted with of P.G students of the college conducted with Dr. Rajan Gurukkal, Chairman KSHEC as chief guest. New college gate was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Walter Thelapally, Provincial, Devamatha Provice, Thrissur.
March 2019 Dr. Soni John T, Asso. Professor, Department of BPE received Prof. MM Ghani Award for best teacher of Calicut University for the year 2016-17. Fr. Joy P T, CMI, Asst. Professor, Department of BPE received best Physical Education teacher of the year 2017-18, instituted by All Kerala Catholic Congress (AKCC). Ronald Roy, NCC Cadet, second year B.Sc. Physics represented India in Youth Exchange Programme (YEP) 2019-20 held at Kazhakistan Foundation stone was laid for Sports Complex near to Athletic Stadium. College received funding of 2 crore from Govt. of India under the scheme Rashtriya Uchchattar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA).
April 2019 College secured 88th Rank in NIRF Ranking. Fr. Joy P T, CMI, Asst. Professor, Department of BPE received best Physical Education Teacher of the year 2018-19, instituted by CMI, Generalate, Ernakulam Kerala State Minister for Sports, Sri. E P Jayarajan inaugurated the solar power grid of 100 kilowatts. P.U Chitra, 2nd Year M.A History, won gold medal in Asian Athletic Championship 2019, 1500m held at Doha on 24-04-2019 Christ College staff won the All Kerala Intercollegiate Staff Cricket tournament held at Govt. Engg. College, Thrissur. Biogas plant was established in Christ college, Vidhyarthi Bhavan, Christ college.
May 2019 The Audio-Video Production facility was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Rajan Gurukkal during the workshop on Outcome Based Education.
June 2019 Fr. Joy P T, CMI, Asst. Professor, Department of BPE received best Environmental Friendly Teacher Award for the year 2018-19, instituted by KESS Bhavan, Thrissur. College received best Environmental Friendly College Award for the year 2018-19, instituted by KESS Bhavan, Thrissur. First Student Induction Programme was conducted for First year Degree Students. Inauguration of New Laboratory for B.Voc. Food Processing and B.Sc. Physics (Self Financing) New courses B.Sc. Mathematics (Self Financing) and B.Sc. Psychology (additional batch) were started. Christ College won Calicut University Aggregate Championship and the Best College Award with record points (622) for the year 2018-19. Christ College won Calicut University Aggregate Championship and best College Award for men for the year 2018-19 with 356 points. Christ College secured second position in Calicut University Aggregate Championship and best college Award for women for the year 2018-19 with 266 points. Akash Binu, (1st Year MSW), Milu Emmanuel (1st Year B.Li.Sc.), Neenu Varghese (1st Year B.Li.Sc.) and Bhagyalakshmi S (1st Year B.P.Ed) participated in World University Power Lifting Championship held at Tartu-Estonia.
June 2019 Physics (UG Self-financing) lab was blessed and inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Jacob, Njerinjampilly CMI, Manager, Christ College.
July 2019 Dept. of Environment Science ( Staff Room) was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Walter Thelapilly,Provincial, Devamatha Province, Thrissur.
November 2019 Chemistry (UG Self-financing) lab was blessed and inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Jacob, Njerinjampilly CMI, Manager, Christ College. Foundation stone for Lift Block laid by Rev. Fr. Jacob, Njerinjampilly CMI, Manager, Christ College. Foundation stone for KSE sponsored volley ball court laid by Rev. Fr. Jacob, Njerinjampilly CMI, Manager, Christ College. Christ College signed MoU with University of Zululand, South Africa. Principal Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Bursar Dr. Fr. Jolly Andrews CMI and HoD of Dept of Geology and Environment Science Dr. Linto Alappat visited Zululand University and signed the MoU.Prof. Dr. X Mtose, Vice Chancellor, Prof. M. Mahlomaholo, Deputy Vice Chancellor signed the MoU representing the University of Zululand.
December 2019 Third convocation of PG students conducted with Dr. Dr. X Mtose, Vice Chancellor, University of Zululand, Rev. Fr. Dr. Paul Achandy CMI, Prior general CMI and Dr. N.W. Kunene, Dean of Science of and Agriculture, University of Zululand as chief guest.
January 2020 Christ College received Kerala State Sports Council G.V Raja Award for Best Sports performance in the year 2018-19.
January 2020 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was made between Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda and PAMA Institute for the Advancement of Trans-disciplinary Archaeological Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram (PAMA) for academic and research collaborations in Geology, History, Language and Literature, archaeology and other areas of allied science. The MoU was signed by Prof. RVG Menon, Chairman, PAMA and Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Principal Christ College.
February 2020 Peenikaparambil Mr. Thoman and Mrs. Rosa Thoman Memorial Basket ballcourt was blessed and inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Jacob, Njerinjampilly CMI, Manager, Christ College.
March 2020 KSE sponsored volley ball court blessed by Rt.Rev. Dr. Antony Kariyil, Arch Bishop, Ernakulam-Angamaly Diocese and inaugurated by Adv. A P George, Managing Director, KSE, Irinjalakuda. Second Fr. Dr. Jose Thekkan Best Teacher Award conferred- on Dr. E.Sandhya, Department of Statistics, Prajyothi Nikethan College, Pudukkad. Prof. M.K. Sanu, Sri. T.N. Prathapan M.P. amd Dr. Babu C.P., Controller of Examination, University of Calicut were chief guests.
May 2020 Fr. Dr. Jolly Andrews CMI took charge of the Office of Principal.
June 2020 The College achieved the unique and unprecedented distinction in the State of Kerala in instituting endowments to award scholarships in all the Commerce subjects at B.Com. Finance (self) at graduation level. This scholarship arrangement is extended to the Six Semester Toppers and Degree programme toppers in B. Com Finance (self). Kottekatt Chandrasekhara Menon and Thotappilly Padmini Amma Memorial Ever Rolling Trophy for All India Intercollegiate Tug of War Competition for Men instituted, Punneliparambil Vareed Joseph Memorial Ever Rolling Trophy for All India Intercollegiate Tug of War Competition for Women instituted. New courses B.Com. Taxation (self financing), BA Economics (self financing), M.Sc. Physics (self financing), M.Sc. Chemistry (self financing) started.
July 2020 Centre for Animal Taxonomy and Ecology (CATE), Department of Zoology under the leadership of Dr Sudhikumar A V discovered 3 new species of Spiders from Wayanad and 2 from Muriyad. Christ College became a premium member of ICT Academy of Kerala. Thavanish launches Mobile Challenge. Inauguration of Diamond Jubilee webinar Series by Department of Physics on July 22. Inauguration of Webinar Series by Department of HIstory on July 28.
July 2020 Centre for Animal Taxonomy and Ecology (CATE), Department of Zoology under the leadership of Dr Sudhikumar A V discovered 3 new species of Spiders from Wayanad and 2 from Muriyad. Christ College became a premium member of ICT Academy of Kerala. Thavanish launches Mobile Challenge. Inauguration of Diamond Jubilee webinar Series by Department of Physics on July 22. Inauguration of Webinar Series by Department of HIstory on July 28.
September 2020 Mithra project was launched for psycho-socio student support by Dept of Social work, Psychology and IQAC. Vidyarambam was conducted in Online mode.
October 2020 Under the leadership of Fr Joy PT, the project ‘Ente Mavu, Ente Nattu Mavu’ project was launched. November 2020 Christ College conducted a week long FDP program for science faculty teachers in association with Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre (GAD TLC), MHRD on Quality science education.
November 2020 Christ College conducted a week long FDP program for science faculty teachers in association with Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre (GAD TLC), MHRD on Quality science education November 2020 Christ College conducted a week long FDP program for science faculty teachers in association with Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre (GAD TLC), MHRD on Quality science education. Christ College won 13 first prizes, 15 second prizes and 7 third prizes in University championships. College won the overall trophy for the fourth consecutive year. College won first prize in the Men category, Runners up in the Women category. College also won first place in both Men and women athletics championships. College brought 7 gold, 13 silver and 2 bronze in All India inter-University championships. In Khelo India, College won 1 gold and 3 silver. 40 Men and 29 women represented the state of Kerala and won 13 gold, 3 silver and 9 bronze. In SAFE Games, Kalaivani was a member of the Kho-Kho team which won gold.
December 2020 Dept of Geology and Environmental science in collaboration with Kerala University, University of Exeter (UK) and University of Zululand organized an International Geosciences Colloquium on Nov 10-13,27 and Dec 1-2. Crystalline, Alumni group of Dept of Geology and Environmental Science launched Webinar series. Christ College won Kerala State Energy Conservation Award (category-Building) for the year 2020. Online Global Alumni Meet 2020 conducted on Dec 26.
January 2021 Blessing of renovated Physics Lab (Aided) and Guest Rooms by Fr Jacob Njerinjampilly, Manager on Jan 1. IQAC and Thavanish organized a workshop for sustainable development and proper waste disposal in collaborated with IRTC, EKN centre for Education, Research and Development for the newly elected local government representatives on Jan 30.
February 2021 Christ College won the Kerala Bioblitz award for contributing the maximum number of biodiversity observations. Nibin Baiju won the Best Sports Academy College Student (men) Award (GV Raja- State Govt Award) for the year 2018-19. Christ College won Best Sports Achievements (College Level State Govt Award- GV Raja Award) for the year 2018-19 (Feb 5) Blessing of MSc Physics (Self) lab by Fr Jacob Njerinjampilly (Manager) on 11th February) Two day International Webinar on Recent Innovations in Statistical Methods and Applications (RISMA2021) by Dept of statistics on 23 and 24 Feb. Anirudhan P S won Best sports council student GV Raja state government award (Feb19) MoU signed with St Joseph College, Irinjalakuda (Feb 26).
March 2021 Blessing of New Hostel Block (on 1st March) Blessing of Server room on 19th March MoU signed with 13 Universities of Indonesia under th leadership of Dept of English on 19th March Dr. Jijimon K. Thomas won Fr. Dr. Jose Thekkan Best Teacher Award which was Given by Dr M K Jayaraj, Vice Chancellor of Calicut. He inaugurated the new BPE block, renovated Physics Lab, New IQAC office and Students IQAC Desk, newly started M Sc Integrated Geology. (March 29) Christ College established the Green Nature Award for schools for promoting environmental friendly activities. Launching of E-Repository (March 31) Signing of MoU for disposal of E- Waste (Dept of Geology and Environmental Science ) (March 31).
April 2021 Signing of MoU between Talleyance for Tally Program with Christ College (Dept of Commerce) (April 9) Signing of MoU between CISI, London and Finmarks Trainers India Pvt Ltd with Christ College (Dept of Commerce ) (April 23).
May 2021 Foreign Internship by Students of Commerce and Management Studies (5 students in Ajmal in Brothers Steel Industries. New type of Green lacewing (Joguina Navas) was found out by SERL Lab of Dept of Zoolgoy under the leadership of Dr. Bijoy. Dr. R. Bindu, Hon Minister of Higher Education is given a reception in College on May.
June 2021 Dr. Sudheer Sebastian K. takes charge as CoE Inauguration of Medicinal Plant Garden (June 4) Signing of MoU between Pachyderm Tales and Christ College (Dept of English) (June 1) New Millipede Species found in Kannur by CATE Lab of Dept of Zoology under the leadership of of Dr Sudhikumar A V. International Webinar Series on Ecosystem Restoration by Enviro Club (June 5-9) Thavanish launched Mobile challenge (June 14) Dr. K J Vargheese received Best Teacher Award from Princeton Hive USA and Edukos Unite of Scholars, India. Inauguration of We Safe Project by Honourable Higher Education Minsiter Dr R Bndu (July 28)i Launching of Interface Lightboard by Innovation Council (June 30).
July 2021 Inauguration of Star Forest in Green valley in Colloboration with Lions Club, Irinjalakuda Christ College was awarded Green Initiative Award and Thavanish was given Good Samaritan Award by Carmel Group of Institutions Signing of MoU between Oasis Chemical Materials Trading co. LLC, UAE and Christ College (Dept of Chemistry) (July 14) Blessing of newly made IQAC Room by Fr Jacob Njerinjampilly, Manager (July19) Blessing of newly constructed M Sc Chemistry (Self) Lab by Fr. Dr. Davis Panackal, Provincial. Devamatha Province, Thrissur. Signing of MoU between MCK Foundation and Christ College (Dept of Economics) (July 14) Signing of MoU between Bhopal School of Social Science (BSSS) and Christ College (Dept of English) (July 23) Signing of MoU between KESS and Christ College (Social Work) (July 29) Signing of MoU between NIPMR and Christ College (Thavanish) (July 29) Release of office manual procedure for non-teaching staff (July 30).
August 2021 Three day International E-Colloguium by Dept of Geology and Environmental Science jointly organized by University of Madras (August 26-28). Calicut University Interzone Champions: (Men) Athletics, Woodball, Gymnastics, Soft Tennis, (women) Athletics, Weightlifting, Tennis (Mixed) Korfball.
September 2021 Two day International conference by Dept of English organized in collaboration with The Bhopal School of Social Sciences (BSSS).
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