Special services provided by the library
- Reference: The reference section deals with the issue of question bank, back volume of journals, periodicals and books. Apart from the general and subject reference books, career-oriented books for NET/JRF, CAT, MAT, G-MAT, C-MAT, PSC, UPSCE, IIT Entrance, Bank Test, LIC, CA examinations etc. are also ready for reference.
- Audio-Visual Library: As a joint venture of PTA and Management, Audio-visual library provides room for video conferencing, online lecturing, webinars and audio book production.
- Reprography: Reprographic facility is arranged at two places in the library.
- Digital library: Having Separate sections for UG and PG students, digital library comprises of 26 computer system and uninterrupted internet.
- In-house and remote access to e-resources.
- Current awareness service: new arrivals and relevant newspaper clippings are published both in the display shelf and at the library blog.
- Online Question Bank: online search for Previous years question papers can be done through Library Blog and D Space digital repository.
- User orientation and awareness: The Librarian gives orientation classes to new comers at the beginning of the academic year about the library rules, searching of books, usage of OPAC etc.
- Reference service for users outside of the college: Public and students from other colleges can refer the resources and use the library for their research on their request.
- Internship for Library Science Students

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