ICT Integration and e-Learning
Christ College has a tradition of introducing innovations in teaching-learning process and supporting National Policies in Education. The core objectives of ICT Integration and e-Learning are to use Information and Communication Technology to enhance the Teaching-Learning Process. And to equip teachers with modern technologies in teaching and make them adaptable to engage next-generation learners. It also helps the students in their regular academic activities and also to train them to face competitive exams in online mode for higher education and job opportunities. It helps to improve digital literacy and digital skills among the students.
ICT Integration and e-Learning enhance the IT infrastructure of campus to improve online learning. It’s a part of national policy of ICT integration in education 2012. ICT Integration and e-Learning augment the e-governance practices in the campus and bring the institution at par with international ICT standards To equip the institution as per NEP guidelines.
The Context
Christ College has a tradition of introducing innovations in teaching-learning process and supporting National Policies in Education. UGC has stated that HEIS should concentrate on ICT implementation in HEIs. Christ College already installed moodle LMS, but the penetration is very low among teachers and students
The IQAC of the College has paid special attention to promote ICT integration and e-learning and make the whole teaching-learning process smart. The college community understood that shifting to ICT environment is very essential in order to become more efficient, effective, and competitive in the information era. Thus, when Covid-19 struck the world and educational practices, the College was equipped to face these challenges effectively due to ICT integration and E-learning practices, which we had started earlier.
Students of our College, majority of who come from rural areas face difficulties during the online entrance and competitive exams, as they are not familiar with such technologies. Proper training for online exams will surely enhance their chances to be successful in such entrance examinations and in shaping their career and skill development.
The Practice
In the last five years, consistent efforts and financial investments have been made to augment the existing ICT infrastructure. The entire College fraternity has acquainted themselves and embraced the digitization process enthusiastically. ICT team was formed under IQAC to spearhead the ICT activities in 2016. The Initial training was on Moodle Software.