Biodiversity Club
Biodiversity club of Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda is a registered club under Kerala State Biodiversity Board (KSBB), Thiruvananthapuram (Reg. no. KSBB/BC/45). It was inaugurated on 26th March 2014. The club bagged the ‘Best Biodiversity Club Award in 2014-2015’ instituted by KSBB. The club organizes various awareness programmes like lectures, quizzes, seminars, workshops, celebration of biodiversity related days, planting rare and indigenous trees, photo exhibitions, nature camps, institutional visits, participation in faunal surveys, floral and faunal documentation etc.
Bhoomithra Sena
A district level mass awareness programme was organized for sensitizing stakeholders of higher educational institutions in Thrissur district, Kerala on responsible institutional waste management. The programme was organized by the Bhoomithrasena club, in collaboration with Enviro club and Biodiversity club, Christ College, Irinjalakuda and in technical collaboration with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Regional Directorate (South), Bengaluru with the objective to impart awareness to the teaching faculties, student coordinators of different clubs engaged in promoting green campus and on the scientific management of institutional wastes in the light of integrated waste management rules notified in 2016. The three-day training was organized with the financial support from KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala, under their prestigious ‘Environment Management Training’ (EMT) programme for the year 2019-20. The target trainees were teaching faculties from various colleges in Thrissur district, student coordinators from various colleges, staffs from the health department of various local bodies in Thrissur district, staffs from Kerala State Pollution Control Board, district office, Thrissur and administrators from various colleges.
Enviro Club
The club organizes seminars, talks, quizzes, essay competitions etc. to create awareness on environmental issues. The activities also include scientific management of waste, planting trees etc.
National Service Scheme (NSS)
National Service Scheme (NSS) is a noble academic extension programme envisioned at national level, with a view to bring our academic institutions closer to the society. It is an educational programme for personality development of the students through community service. The basic concept of National Service Scheme is to give an extended dimension to the Higher Education system and orient the students to community service while they are studying in an educational institution. This is to create social consciousness among students, by establishing a meaningful linkage between the campus and the community, especially the rural community. The cardinal principle of the programme is that it is organised by the students themselves and both students and teachers through their combined participation in social service, get a sense of involvement in the task of national development.
Various Eco-friendly activities conducted by the NSS include:
Pen Drive
The project Pen Drive was started on 24th September 2019 with an aim of reducing plastic pens in the campus by reusing and refilling the used pens. Students can deposit their old pens in the basket placed in the College portico or baskets placed in their classes rather than throwing it into the soil. Most of the collected pen are reused and the remaining are used to make craft materials like pen stand, boats, curtains etc. or will be recycled.
Caring for Nature
This project aims at protecting the environment and nature through various activities. The project includes making grow bags from used flexes, dolls and carpets from used clothes, paper bags and paper pens using used paper and decorative items using waste plastic.
CSA Recycling Drive
To promote a clean and eco-friendly environment, CSA initiated Recycling Drive with an aim to recycle the newspapers and make paper bags out of it. The second phase of Recycle Drive started on 11th June,2022. The third phase was conducted on October,2022.All volunteers joined hands to make paper bags. Around 800 paper bags were made in the second and third phase. The paper bags made were freely distributed to the shops of the locality.
Cycle Club
C4 Cycling Club Christ College (Autonomous) is the most novel initiative of the college to introduce to its pupil one of the finest forms of gathering for fun, exercise and healthy way of living by eco-friendly riding with a social message of environment sustainability. C4 Cycling Club, Christ College (Autonomous) is launched with the primary idea to motivate and get the students into the sport of cycling to enjoy its endless benefits and to create a community of likeminded people to ride together on weekends and explore the city. And also use cycling an instrument to impart social awareness on various issues. The Club aim is to provide information, sharing experiences and resources for cyclist and encourage everybody to be part of this Club. The Club welcomes cycling clubs of all colleges across India to join and share their motto, experiences and routine ride plan, so that the students of Christ College is motivated to ride, as much or little, as long or as short they feel, but ride.
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